Tustin 92780
Where are postcards sent?
Approximately 10,000 addresses
Sorted By Highest Income Earners
Monthly Mailing
Allow 5-10 business days around planned mailing for delivery
More Areas Coming Soon...
Direct Mail
Why This Way?
We all know direct mail is a great option for local businesses to find new local customers. But when it comes to mailing in the quantities you need, to get the exposure you need, you're limited to a few choices.
1. Mail Yourself and go broke: Hire a designer, make numerous edits, pay for thousands of cards, pay for postage, prepare the mailing to take to the post office, deliver to the post office and then start all over again or pay someone at least double the amount to do all that for you.
2. Try To Stand Out: Put your ad in a group envelope or magazine that is loaded with your competitors and hope they open it to begin with and hope even more they find your ad buried with the rest.
3. Collaborate: Mail along with a handful of other local businesses that don't compete with you, that's not buried in pages of other ads, for way less, giving you a better shot at being noticed.

Side 1

Side 2

What's Available?
We'll try to keep this image updated to show current availability but we're not guaranteeing it's accuracy.
Yes we will. We'll try to pick eye catching and complimentary layouts for your spot on the postcard. You'll be able to review it before it's mailed and make any adjustments.
Yes definitely.
2.8 x 3.8 inches for regular ad
5.78 x 3.8 inches for large ad
Yeah we're pretty good at coming up with good offers but better yet we created a great A.I. generated bot to help come up with some really great options. Use these suggestions or come up with your own.
Nope. I've been running my real estate business in the Tustin area for almost 30 years but be assured, in that time I've become very good at marketing on all kinds of media offline and online. We're happy to share any resources we have.
No not for now. We're a local business trying to get more exposure and clients like you. So this is a pure collaboration. A handshake if you will. If you need a contract of some kind, let us know and we'll let you know when we have one.
We love supporting our local businesses so priority will go to independently owned local businesses. But it is first come first served and we have spaces to fill. If we want the card delivered in a timely fashion and there are still spaces open, we'll open it up to other businesses.
Absolutely. In fact, we won't mail the postcard until we have your approval on your proof. We do ask that you get back to us quickly so we can keep things moving.
Our goal is to mail monthly. If we get enough demand, maybe we'll mail more frequently.
Our goal is to have the card drop the first week of each month.
We will notify you once we are preparing to go to print and an anticipated mail date or any changes.
No, not unless you really need me to. I figure you're busy running your business and I'm busy running mine and this really isn't that complicated. But if you really need to talk I don't mind at all. If you have an urgent need, shoot me an email. Otherwise, please use this link to schedule a call please. https://tidycal.com/anthonynitz/postcard-discussion
Most definitely. In fact, it's a good idea. This is a collaboration after all. Let's help others we like to do business with.
No unfortunately we don't accept payment plans probably for obvious reasons and I really despise having to chase people down for a few hundred bucks.
Our preferred method is just by having you pay with a credit or debit card right here on the site. It allows us to get to work on your ads right away. However if you have another method you need to use, reach out to me and we'll figure something out.
We mail to approximately 10,000 higher income earning addresses in the city of Tustin. See our mailing area map on this page.